Monday, August 20, 2012

press on, the go

Hosea 6:3 O that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know Him! Then He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of the dawn or the coming of the rains the early spring.

I don't think we adequately absorb the fact that once we become Christ followers, our lives are no longer about us - they're about the people all around us who are going slam to hell. It's not about have a lovely American Dream kind of life - it's about spending our efforts helping those around us in our workplace,our neighborhoods, at the gym, the store, - everywhere - learn what we've learned: that real life only exists in a connection to God made possible through Jesus.

And before we all get resistant to this thinking, consider this: where would you & I be if the person(s) who influenced you & I to Jesus' provision & love had been as resistant as we are to reaching out to someone lost  in their life?

That's not a pretty thought.

John 4:34 Then Jesus explained: "My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work.

35 You know the saying, 'Four months between planting and harvest.'

But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest.

36 The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life.

     What joy awaits both the planter and the harvester alike!

37 You know the saying, 'One plants and another harvests.' And it's true.

38 I sent you to harvest where you didn't plant; others had already done the work, and now you will get to gather the harvest."

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