Monday, February 2, 2009

first & last

Matthew 20:16

So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last. NLT

Here it is again, the Great Reversal: many of the first ending up last, and the last first. The Message

So, there you have it. Some people who are famous, influencial, rich, popular, outstanding in their field (I'm thinking of all those Super Bowl player from last night), or star-studded - anyone who is held up of an example - is not assured a place in God's eyes as stupendous.

God looks at the heart - where a person's heart is is what's important to Him.

It does make life easier - playing to just one Person.

And since He's the One in charge, I would guess that makes it a sure thing.

Whenever someone famous dies, I often wonder - "I wonder what they're doing right now?" It kinda puts their lives in perspective, as well as lends emphasis to what's really important to God, in the end.

Just a thought...

I love you

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