Thursday, February 5, 2009

less self

Matthew 23: 11 The greatest among you must be a servant. 12 But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

It's all about serving. (Anyone who says, "All I want to be is a servant of the Lord." has never been one.)

It's all about others.

It's all about being others-oriented.

It's all about realizing we're not the center of our own universes.

But everything in our world & culture says the direct opposite. Everything is geared for looking-out-for-me.

Why don't we follow this simple teaching of Jesus?

Is it trust?

Is it self-centeredness?

Is it stubbornness?

Is it I-want-what-I-want-&-I-want-it-now kind of attitude?

Or is it all of it?

I remember soending decades trying to get people to love me like I've always wanted to be loved. Needless to say, I was crashingly unsuccessful.

I did encounter the reality of God's love for me. I began to absorb how truly loved I was by Him.

So, I knew I wasn't going to be loved like I wanted to be by people, so I gave it up. And then I started noticing that most of the people around me were dying to be loved like I wanted to be.

So, I started caring about them, checking on them, remembering what was going on in their lives - in short, loving them right where they were, but caring enough to want to take them to what they could be.

(Don't think for a minute that this was me doing this - it was od doing it through me.)

Guess what? People started loving me back.

And now, I'm the richest man I know in relatonships.

Funny how that all worked out, didn't it?

(If it happened to me, I bet it would happen to you.)

Just a thought...

I love you

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