Wednesday, May 20, 2009

God's timing

God is really something...

This morning, as I'm doing my normal stuff to begin the day, there's this whispering going on in the back of my mind.

The substance of this whispering is that I'm not going to do well at something in which I'm presently involved.

That kind of whispering can run me crazy.

I know it's the devil.

So, I'm kinda worrying about the situation, kinda thinking about how I'm not all that sure I can do what is presented to me to be & do.

You know how your mind can start to slowly spin with an insecure or negative thought?

Well, I'm doing my regular Bible reading (I read New Living Translation, 1st version). Deuteronomy 1 (kinda dry), Psalm 100 (boffo!), & then I start to read 1 Corinthians 6...

Sometime in the past few years, when I'd read this verse before, I've underlined something in the second half of the verse...

"God is ready to help you right now."

Now, what are the odds that I would be reading that today, when I'm me sitting here, gettin' wrapped around the axle about my ability to be & do (or NOT able to be & do) what God wants me to be & do?

Like I said, God is really something...

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