Wednesday, February 10, 2010

patient endurance

Hebrews 10:36 Patient endurance is what you need now, so you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive what He has promised.

Patient endurance...

Anyone who thinks this is easy has never done it.

It's kinda like when people say, "all I want is to be a servant of the Lord."

They've obviously never been one.

Yes, I know it says if we patiently endure, we'll continue to do God's will.

And I've picked up on the fact that there's the promise there that we'll receive all that He's promised.

What the write of Hebrews failed to mention is that along the way as we patiently endure we have to deal with crazy people!

He neglected to remind us that there would be times when no matter what we do, someone will think it's the wrong thing to be or do.

It's not real glamorous to patiently endure. Sometimes it's just tough, or boring, or irritating, or simply no much fun.

But what choice do we have? It's either patiently endure, or act like a big ol' donkey - and goodness knows I do that enough as it is!

I guess what keeps me going is wanting to stay in His will - I've been out of His will enough in my life!

And the other thing is the promise that we'll receive all that He promised.

He's promised me some pretty incredible things.

So, for all of us who know what it means...

Patiently endurance is what we need now, so we will continue to do our Father's amazing will for us our lives. As a result, all those things He's promised us? Yeah...


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