Friday, February 26, 2010


Psalm 12:6 The LORD's promises are pure,
like silver refined in a furnace,
purified seven times over.

Has God ever promised you something? And have you had a had time believe He'll come through with it?

It's hard for me to believe because I still, after all these years, think I have to make them happen, rather than let them happen.

Where do we draw the line in realizing that many times we are the feet & legs of God's work here on earth & as opposed to simply standing back & letting Him do His thing, either through us, or in spite of us?

Here the psalmist says these promises of His are pure - silver that's refined at the temps it is is about as pure as it can get this side of heaven.

Iow, His promises to us are the real thing, true, trustworthy - which means, they're gonna happen.

Where does our impact on those promises end & His omnipotence begin?

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