Saturday, May 14, 2011

clever or favor

Psalm 89:17b Our power is based on Your favor.

We spend our lives trying to be clever. We make our plans, we work our plans, we make it happen.

I've spent a good deal of my life trying to be clever.

We go to conferences hoping to learn stuff to make us more clever.

I've been to so many conferences in my life I can't remember them all.

The interesting thing is that I remember so very, very few of them & what they were supposed to teach me, & how they were supposed to make me more clever.

I wonder how different my life would have been if, while going to the conferences I went to, if I'd spent half as much time that I spent going to conferences just trying to get closer & more intimate with our Abba Father.

Because,you see, the longer I live, the more I realize that  most of what I've been able to accomplish, for Him &/or through the ministries I've been a part of, has & is utterly dependent on one this, and one thing only - His favor.

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