Tuesday, May 10, 2011

how a word comes sometimes

Yesterday was a very frustrating day. I've got stuff to take care of today because of stuff that flew loose yesterday. It's made me grumpy, crabby, & generally irritated.

I know none of you EVER feel this way.

So when I got up this morning, I was needing some encouragement - even though I didn't expect any.

I know none of you ever get as pouty as I am right now.

So, when I checked my facebook.

Back in January, one of my sons, Heith, published a prophesy he's been given by the Lord. He didn't know who it was for.

It was for me, among others.

January was a really dark, discouraging, despairing time for me. On the 26th, God threw me a lifeline through Heith's prophesy.

This morning, someone had commented on it, & it turned up in my email inbox.

I read it again this morning.

He gently reminded me it's still in effect & He's still in control, even tho I feel out of control most of the time.

Here's the prophesy Heith shared then...

Word from the Good Lord
by Heith Daniels on Tuesday, January 25, 2011 at 6:53pm
 Okay, might i first say that i have no idea who this is for. So i decided to put this on facebook and tag you in this because i suspected it might be for You OR you might know the person it is for and you will share this with them. Anyways, today i was praying, " God, I am a arrow in Your quiver," and as soon as i said that He gave me a vision. I visioned a Man pulling back an arrow, getting ready to launch it and this arrow was on Fire. Then i saw a field of grass that was dead all around, but it was soaked with oil. (Kinda like the Midevil times when the armies would soak the fields will oil and light them on fire to kill there foes.) And then i saw the Man shoot the arrow and it landed on the field soaked with oil and it burned all the dead grass away. Okay, now let me explain, if You havent already interpreted this message. The Man is God, You  are the arrow, The Fire is the Holy Spirit inside of You, the field soaked with oil is a "place" where God as been putting His anoiting. Now lets put it all together, God is going to shoot You  in a place where He has been preparing to send His Fire and to spread it. He will use You to burn away everything in that place that is dead so new life can grow.

Whoever this is for, He has been sharping You and anoiting You to go and spread Him and His Fire. Let me add that God is a Master Archer and where He shoots it is destined for You to land. He has been preparing His "fields" also and they are waiting to "light up." So do not be feared or scared for God is with You and He is excited for what is about to happen.

                                                                                                thank you,
                                                                                                            Heith Daniels

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