Saturday, October 4, 2014

keep on

There's a half sheet of paper I carry in my Bible. On it is something I read one morning during a very difficult season in my life.

It is interesting to me that since I've been reading the Bible EVERY day, without fail (almost 12 years now) that moments like this happen quite often. So many times what I'm supposed to read has something that speaks to where I'm at.

You may think it's coincidental, or I could be just reading into something from my own situation that may not really be there - I don't think so - it's happened hundreds & hundreds of times.

Here's what I read that day, & what my Life Application Bible said in the footnotes.

It might be something that speaks to someone else today that needs to hear it as much or more than I did that day.

Hebrews 6

10 For God is not unjust. 

      He will not forget how hard you have worked for Him

      and how you have shown your love for Him by caring for other believers,

      as you still do.

11 Our great desire is that you will keep on loving others as long as life lasts,

      in order to make certain what you hope for will come true.

And here's what my Life Application Bible had in the footnotes for those verses for that day...

It's easy to get discouraged, thinking God has forgotten us.

But God is never unjust - He never forgets or overlooks our hard work for Him.

Presently you may not be receiving rewards or acclaim,

     but God knows your efforts of love & ministry.

Let God's love for you & His intimate knowledge of your service for Him bolster you as you face disappointment & rejection here on earth.

Those verses & that footnote was like a lifeline for me that day when I really did feel like I was drowning in disappointment & rejection.

Maybe you are too.

You need to know that a couple of years later, the things that I had been hoping for really did come true, in a BIG way, & I spent one of the most halcyon seasons of my life.

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