Wednesday, April 18, 2018

door # 2

This is the lead verse among many verses that I believe God gave me to hold on to during 2018.

It was all a part of the sequential reading I had today in Matthew 10.

This is Jesus speaking here.

If you cling to your life, you will lose it, but if you give it up for me, you will find it.

Matthew 10:39

We usually see first what is said in the first half of this verse.

iow, we only see that we have to let go of everything because we'll lose it all if we don't.

But when this was the lead verse for me before, back in 2008, during that year I started seeing the promise of the 2nd half.

If we let got of our life & surrender to whatever it is He has in mind for us, we will find real life.

I know it doesn't make sense on the surface.

But if we let go of our lives - the ones we've dreamed up for ourselves - & let God have control of our lives, that frees Him up to implement the life He dreamed up for us a gajillion years ago.

Which makes better sense?

1. We who are sinful & finite charting the course of our lives?

2. Or let God, who is infinite, holy, & omnipotent, be in control?

I choose door # 2.

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