Wednesday, April 11, 2018

what defines us

2 John

I am writing to remind you, dear friends, that we should love one another. 

This is not a new commandment, 

but one we have had from the beginning.

6 Love means doing what God has commanded us, 

and he has commanded us to love one another, 

just as you heard from the beginning.

Is it just me, or does loving others seem to be a defining characteristic of followers of Jesus, if not THE defining characteristic?

But the world doesn't think of us as loving.

And they're right - we aren't very loving.

And why not?

Because loving costs us too much.

Well, it costs us everything.

We Christians here in America have such a prissy & precious little faith.

It costs us very little, especially when compared to the rest of the world.

And yet over & over & over again, Jesus & the epistle authors all point to loving as the thing that we're to be known for by the world...

...that we love one another.

So what do we do?

We simply ask God to love others through us.

Brace yourselves.

This is not gonna be easy.

I speak from experience.

Loving people is not easy.

The only way we can do it is to ask God to love through us.

How does that happen?

I can't really quantify that.

It just happens.

If we ask Him to, 

& are open to loving people, 

no matter who or what kind of person gets thrown across our path, 

He will love through us.

I know that sounds pretty mystical for some.

But all I know is all I know.

Today, ask God to love through you, & just see what happens?

What have you got to lose?

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