Saturday, September 5, 2009


Matthew 10:39 If you cling to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for Me, you'll find it.

Yesterday, I had the same conversation it seems I've had countless times in the last 20+ months since God gave this verse to me as I've walked thru this season called downtown.

And once again I talked to this person about how we try to create a life to our liking when all we have to do is let go of our life because then God is able to establish in our lives the life paradigm that He dreamed up for each one of us.

I asked this dear, sweet person which makes better sense...

1) to cling to a life that we've created thru our own preferences & the preferences of our friends
(because we all allow our friends opinions of what our lives should be like to sway us)

2) let loose of our lives & let the God of the universes create in us this life He created for us to live
(& since we're allowing the One who created everything in the universes & cares for it all effortlessly, it would stand to reason that He would be very, very creative in the kind & quality of life He dreamed up for us)

I've found that as I quit clinging to what I think my life should look like, the more creative God becomes with what my life is & becomes.

don't cling to your life...

just a thought, I'm your friend

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