Tuesday, September 28, 2010

moving forward

Sorry I haven't written in a couple of days. We FINALLY got Internet (and TV) at the farmhouse, so we feel like we're back in the 21st century! ;-)

Psalm 42:5 Why am I discouraged? Why so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise Him again - my Savior & my God.

Yeah, I've been a bit discouraged in the last few days. Why? No job. No prospect of a job.

I'm also feeling a bit isolated. This is not unusual. I've felt it before when I've moved. It's just that this time I'm moving 4 hours away from a bunch of sons & daughters as well as LOTS of people I care about.

Of course, the devil is whispering all kinds of crap, pointing out things to fear, and stuff like that.

I know I'll feel more connected here when I finally have relationships here. I know that God has everything under control. I know He precedes me & follows me (Psalm 139:5). I know that God wouldn't have brought us here without jobs, people, & venues for ministry for both Lynn & and me.

I know all that. Transition many times is stressful. I guess I'm feeling that this morning.

This IS the biggest step of faith Lynn or I have ever taken. We're at a level of trust that neither of us has ever been in with God.

One of the scripture sections God gave me for this year is Proverbs 3:5 in The Message. Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go. He's the One Who will keep you on track.

There's 3 things that pop out - 1) trust, 2) listen, 3) He's the One who will keep you

And lest we forget Hebrews 10:35, 36...

Heb 10: 35 So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord, no matter what happens. Remember the great reward it brings you! 36 Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that He has promised.

I know, I know - I shouldn't be discouraged.

I wonder how many times I've glibly said that to someone?

I know all I can do today is put one foot in front of the other. I know I can't cling to my life that I had before today. I know that I shouldn't worry about my life.

I know. I am. I will.

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