Monday, June 20, 2011


2 Corinthians 3:5b Our only power & success come from God.

I feel like God is pruning me back to a nub (again), a mere stump level with the ground.

I don't know why.

Many of you will rush to tell me that I should be glad for this because He only prunes us back so we can bear abundant fruit. (see John 15)


Anyone who embraces that thought with any kind of excitement had never had it happen to them.

What do I mean by "pruning back"?

Well, slowly but surely, He pares back my life until my only focus is Him.

Not fun.

Yes, I remember what He brought about in my life the last time He did this.

Yes, it result in some pretty heady halcyon days.

Have you ever been pruned?

It's like having your arms & legs cut off with a plastic picnic knife, without anesthesia.

Don't know what's ahead.

(Like when have I?)

Remind me of this "poor me" blog when I'm in the next post pruning season.

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