Monday, June 11, 2012

hiding His Word

Psalm 119:11 I have hidden You word in my heart that I might not sin against You.

I used to wonder about that verse - that is, until I started reading the Bible each & every day without fail.

I thought to "hide His Word" meant I had to memorize scripture verses - this wasn't a task that sounded all that Memorizing anything has never been one of my stronger spiritual gifts - boy howdy!

But what I've found out that it isn't about memorizing - it's all about familiarity.

Don't you know people who can quote the dialog of a movie because they've seen it so much?

Or don't you know people that can sing the words to every son a certain artist has ever written?

THAT'S familiarity.

Over the last 9 1/2 years as I've read & reread the Psalms, the Gospels, Paul's letters, Genesis, 1 & 2 Kings, the minor prophets, the major prophets, the Old Testament, the New Testament, I've become familiar with what's in the Bible.

And I simply remember things in the Bible because I've been exposed, by choice, to them over & over again, like our friends who can quote movies verbatim or songs verse after verse.

It wasn't something I determined to do - I'm embarrassed to say. It just happened.

Now the Bible is a book that has filled me chock full of all kinds of things that God wants each of us to know & live by.

And I feel like I've just scratched the surface.

So, have I told you this so you might say yippee for me?

Well, no.

What I'm saying is the smartest thing I ever did in my life was to get up & read the Bible every morning - truly, the smartest thing I've ever done. What God has revealed to me, said to me in moments when I REALLY needed a word from Him, or when He just wanted to share something intimate about Himself in relation to me, all have been something that has enriched me life in way I cannot completely express - that the understatement of the morning!

The dumbest thing I've EVER done is waiting until I was 52 1/2 yrs old before I started reading EVERY day.

Btw, I will warn you - if you read the Bible, GOD WILL MESS WITH YOU!

He will mess with you in the very places you don't want Him to mess around in.

God loves you enough to not leave you the way you are - you are the project - changing you back into the person He created before you messed it up with all that sinning is what He's all about.

Become so familiar with His Word - it will pop into your thinking when you least expect it,& when you need it most.

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