Sunday, March 2, 2014


Then Jesus said,

     Come to Me...

        all of you who are weary

        & carry heavy burdens,

     & I will give you rest.

Take My yoke upon you.

Let Me teach you,

     because I am humble & gentle,

        & you will find rest for your souls.

For my yoke fits perfectly, & the burden I give you is light. (NLT)

Matthew 11:28, 29

I think the most important word in these 2 verses is the word, "come."

We could talk & talk & talk about the overarching meaning(s) that reside in these 2 verses - far too many theologians have already done that!

It's important to realize who is saying come.

Jesus, being God, says God wants us to come to Him.

Not sure if that's the case in any other religion...

Jesus says that in our concept of who God is, we must include the idea that He is a God who says to us,

     come here,

     come closer,

     let's not have any distance between us,

     I want you close to Me.

The high, holy, all powerful, all knowing, all everything, perfect, eternal One says to each one of us...


Think about that today...

     and do what He wants...

Come to Him.

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