Sunday, April 30, 2017


If you cling to your life,

you will lose it.

But if you give it up for Me,

you will find it.

Matthew 10:39

That's Jesus talking there.

If we keep a tight grip on our lives – if we keep control – we'll never know the life we were designed to live.

But if we relinquish control,

if we let go of our concepts of who & what we are,

and just say, “whatever...” to God,

that frees Him to express in our lives the life HE dreamed up for us a gajillion years ago.

And the life He dreamed up is very, very creative.

How do I know this?

I'm livin' it...

and have been for quite a while.

What Jesus says is true...

don't cling to your life...

let it go...

trust God...

and say, “whatever...”

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