Tuesday, May 4, 2010

GO, & wait

Mark 16:15 GO into all the world & preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.

That's our mandate - GO.

That could be Africa, or the WalMart on Gray H'way.

That may be to the Aussies, or to your co-worker or boss who drives you crazy.

The mandate is GO.


Pro 3:5 (The Message)

Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
don't try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
He's the One Who will keep you on track.

I've been guilty lately of maybe over thinking what's next for Lynn & me. Or maybe not. ;-)

One of the things God's been specific about is to not try to figure out what's ahead. As a type A personality, I tend to do this a lot.

Recently He said to me, "Be still in the presence of the Lord, & wait for Him to act." (Ps 37:7)

Iow, shut up & wait.

Do you know how hard it is to wait?


Do you know how hard it is to NOT try & figure everything out?

Is it caused by a lack of trust, anxiety, impatience, or just bull-headed I wanna know what I wanna know & I wanna know NOW!!!

There's a reason why He doesn't want me to figure it all out.

Maybe it would scared me if I knew?

Maybe I'd try to make it happen if I knew?

Maybe I'd say no if I knew now w/o knowing the full picture?

Maybe He wants me to walk by faith?

One day I'll be able to look back & know why I wasn't supposed to figure everything out ahead of time. I'll let ya know when I know.

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