Monday, May 31, 2010


Psalm 106: 24 The people refused to enter the pleasant land, for they wouldn't believe His promise to care for them.

I always think this is such a sad verse. The children of Israel didn't go into Canaan bc they didn't think God would take care of them.

This is the crowd that saw the plagues in Egypt & crossed the Red Sea on dry land.

But how many times do you & me do the same thing?


if John McCain can run for president at 71...

if Grandma Moses can start painting her masterpieces in her late 70's...

if Golda Meir can become premier of Israel at 75...

if Moses can lead the Hebrew children out of Egypt at whatever he was...

if Gandhi could lead the Indian subcontinent out of British colonialism in his 70's...

if Rachel Welch can look that good at 70...

then Lynn & I can embrace whatever our "next" is with God.

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