Sunday, May 2, 2010

letting go

Matthew 10:39 If you cling to your life, you'll lose it; if you let go of it for Me, you'll find it.

We cling to the life we have all the time. At least, I seem to.

God dreamed as dream for our lives, but can only implement it if we let Him by letting go of the control of our lives.

Sometimes that's hard, because we come to love the life He's given us during any season of our lives.

But we have to let go of our lives, no matter what kind of season we're in with Him. He's got plans & dreams for us. We fit into an overarching master plan. If we don't follow His leading, that plan can be undermined.

For the past 2 1/2 years He's been whispering to me often, "don't cling to your life" - "let it go".

"If you let go of your life for Me, you'll find it."


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