Monday, May 24, 2010


Jeremiah 16:19a Lord, You are my strength & fortress, my refuge in the day of trouble!

It's funny sometimes the kind of strength we need from the Lord.

Most of us think of a verse like this when we're being persecuted, we're in trouble (usually of our own making), or dealing with something traumatic or catastrophic.

Not so, sometimes...

Sometimes it's strength to be patient one more time, when we want to just throw our hands up in exasperation.

Sometimes it's strength to continue to be positive in an increasingly negative situation, when we'd like to just escape the whole mess.

Sometimes it's strength to just endure one more day of whatever is going on.

Sometimes it's strength to be Jesus, to be who we know God wants us to be, in a sea of people who aren't.

Sometimes it's strength to be functional in a world that seems filled with dysfunction.

And any of us could sight a gajillion other examples.

Strength from God comes for all kinds of reasons in all kinds of situations.

Thank You, Father, that You provide different amounts & different kinds of strength, specific for the ever changing needs of your puny children.

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