Saturday, August 28, 2010

the fishbowl

1 Peter 2:12 Be careful how you live among your unbelieving neighbors. Then even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior, and they will give honor to God when He judges the world.

We are so much like the unbelieving people around us. If something happens we don't like, we react, strongly. We don't often don't act in a Christ-like manner.

Well, let's just say I don't act in a Christ-like manner.

It's so easy to "vindicate yourself" or "slam dunk the offender" or "set them straight".

That may not be the way God wants me to react to people.

It's just that we don't want people to "get away with something".

It's a fine line between not being a doormat & reacting in a Christ-like manner.

One thing I've sensed especially in the last couple of years especially - a LOT of people are watching me, all the time. (no, I'm not psychotic & paranoid! ;-)

But people do watch me. I sense the ripple effect of my life more & more - both in the positive, & in the negative.

So, we must live in such a way that our actions & reactions glorify Him.

What would have happened to us if the people we were watching as we decided to follow Jesus had been people who like us in the way they live?

Hmmmmmmm.... not a pretty thought, is it?

"Be careful how you live among your unbelieving neighbors."

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