Sunday, August 1, 2010


Romans 4:20 For the Kingdom of God is not just fancy talk; it is living by God's power.

"living by God's power"

I wonder how many of us REALLY do this?

Or do we live by "God helps those who help themselves"?

(btw, that's NOT in the Bible ;-)

How many times do we, do I, take direction & guidance from God & then try to do that direction & guidance under our own steam, in our own strength?

Yeah, I do that. Maybe you too?

As Lynn & I continue to walk toward living & ministering in Blairsville, one of the greatest dangers is to try to do this in our own strength & cleverness.

Mis - take!

If this is God's idea, then it would follow that He's the One who gonna furnish the preparations for our coming - like leading us to a house, finding us jobs, & preparing the hearts of those we are presently & will come in contact with.

And if this "next" is all a part of God's crazy, funny, challenging, heartbreaking, wonderful plan that He dreamed for us a gajillion years ago, then He's the One responsible for giving us the strength we need, the wisdom from which to draw, & the protection we gotta have.

If His power doesn't show up, then I think that would be a clear indicator that we'd made a significant miscalculation along the way! ;-)

The whole idea about Blairsville seems so fantastical to me. I couldn't have dreamed this up. I'm not that clever, or that... gutsy.

One other thing...

If God seems to be calling you to something, just pray, "God, if this isn't Your perfect will, don't let it happen" & then start walking toward it. If it doesn't happen, well, then you'll know it wasn't His will.

But if it does happen, well, guess what?

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