Monday, October 21, 2013

how do they know us?

John 13:34 So now I am giving you a new commandment:

     Love each other.

Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.

35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.

1 John 3:18 Dear children, let us stop just saying we love each other; let us really show it by our actions.

I wonder, when people think of Christ followers today, do they think of us as people who love?

Does that Muslim we know think of us as people who love?

Does that black person we know think of us as people who love?

Does that white person we know think of us as people who love?

Does that Asian we know think of us as people who love?

Does that Latino we know think of us as people who love?

Does that Republican we know think of us as people who love?

Does that fat person we know think of us as people who love?

Does that Democrat we know think of us as people who love?

Does that fit, slender person we know think of us as people who love?

Does that uber-self centered person we know think of us as people who love?

Does that gay person we know think of us as people who love?

Does that Tea Party person we know think of us as people who love?

Does that straight person we know think of us as people who love?

Does that person we know who "works the system" think of us as people who love?

Does that gossip we know think of us as people who love?

Does that poor person we know think of us as people who love?

Does that abused person we know think of us as people who love?

Does that rich person we know think of us as people who love?

Does that arrogant twit we know think of us as people who love?

Does that abuser we know think of us as people who love?

Does that ungrateful person we know think of us as people who love?

Does that person we know who would knife us in the back at the first opportunity think of us as people who love?

Does that sex offender we know think of us as people who love?

Does that person who lives next to us think of us as people who love?

Does that person we know who has wronged us, betrayed us, abandoned us, or neglected & ignored us think of us as people who love?

Do our children think of us as people who love?

Do our parents think of us as people who love?

Does that person we know who's bullied us think of us as people who love?

Do our relatives think of us as people who love?

Do our friends think of us as people who love?

Does that person we know that we used to bully think of us as people who love?

Does that addict (drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, food, etc.) we know think of us as people who love?

Does anyone we know think of us as people who love?

If I'm honest, there are lots of people on that list who haven't a clue I'm a person who loves.

How about you?

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