Monday, October 23, 2017

come, rest

Jesus said, 

"Come to me, 

all of you who are weary 

& carry heavy burdens, 

& I will give you rest." 

Matthew 11:28

Is there anybody reading this who is just plain weary, worn out with life, or things, or people, or relationships, or whatever?

Jesus says come to Him.

He also simply says He'll give us rest.


And is there anybody reading this that is carrying a heavy burden - like an impossible situation, or responsibility that is overwhelming you, or the ramifications of a terrible choice, or trapped in something or with someone, or some sort of any kind of thing that is a tough load to tote?

Jesus says come to Him.

He also says to us too that He'll give us rest if we turn to Him.


So, what's stopping us?

Are we THAT independent, or afraid to let go, or we have to handle this on our own, or what?

Jesus says to come to Him.

The eternal, holy, omnipotent God of the universes simply says for us to come to Him.

And if we do, we will find the one thing we lack - rest.

Why don't we give Him a chance to be & do what He says He wants to be & do?

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