Sunday, July 25, 2010

letting go

Romans 13: 14 Let the Lord Jesus take control of you.

And hold on for the adventure(s) of your life.

We don't let Him take control because we don't trust Him.

And we're selfish. We want what we want, & we want it NOW.

And we think we're smarter than Him about how our lives should be.

Well, He's more in control of my life than He's ever been.

Does He mess with me?

All the time!

Do I ever really "settle in"?


Would I go back to being more in control of my life?


We're soon gonna do what He whispered one day to me back in December, 2009 - "wouldn't it be kinda fun to pack everything up, go somewhere where you don't know anyone, & start all over?"

Won't it be painful to leave?

Yep - we've lived in middle GA for almost 30 years.

But it's gonna be REALLY interesting what He does next with us

Let the Lord Jesus take control of you.

I love my life ;-)

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