Monday, July 25, 2011


1 Thessalonians 5:18 No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who follow Christ Jesus.

Here's what my Life Application Bible says about this verse...

"Paul was not teaching that we should thank God for everything that happens, but in everything. Evil does not come from God, se we hold not thank Him for it. But when evil strikes, we can still be thankful for God's presence & for the good that He will accomplish through the distress."

For 2 years (2008 & 2009) I'd been carrying 4 passages around inside my heart that God had given me as He walked me toward moving HOG downtown & starting Christ Chapel Downtown.

Then, on Dec. 23, 2009, He gave me this verse as the first part of the packet of 5 passages He has me carrying in my heart for this season - this season of letting go of all we had in Macon & moving to Blairsville.

When it became obvious that this was a new verse for me to carry, I knew something was up, something that meant change.

The "no matter what happens" part was kind scary for me. Little did I know where God was going to lead me.

These last 19 months haven't been easy, to put it mildly. Have I been thankful in everything? No. Am I trying to be now? Yes.

I am learning to wait - & yes, that's my last name!

I'm learning a new level of "whatever"

I'm learning that God defines, & redefines us. It's hard to not cling to the definition we're comfortable with.

The farm principle is true with our relationship with God - living things must either change & grow, or die.

Life is lived using the flashlight principle - we walk in enough light to take one step ahead.

I am learning a deeper level of the truth that we are not responsible for the consequences of our obedience - we are only responsible to obey.

God can and will hedge you in to the point where only what He wants to have happen will happen.

Once again, it's all about trust. We either trust him or we don't.

And I still believe in His faithfulness.

Go to these vids - I still believe...

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