Tuesday, July 12, 2011

walking in the light

Proverbs 4:25 Look straight ahead, & fix your eyes on what lie before you.

26 Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path.

27 Don't get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.

Have your ever walked through the night with just a flashlight?

I'm not talking the kind of night where there's a street light ever 50' or so.

I'm talking about when, as a friend of mine says, it's as dark as Egypt (why Egypt?) - not street lights, no house lights, no moon, no stars - dark night.

If you've ever walked through that kind of dark, you'll understand how interesting using a flashlight is.

We can't see ahead, we can't see behind, we can't see much around us.

We can see what's right in front of us - that's all.

If we stand still, we'll never get anywhere.

But if we walk into the area that's already lighted by our flashlight, that same flashlight will illuminate the ground ahead of us.

We can walk through the darkest night if we simply follow the light the illuminates our path.

We can walk through the darkest night if we simply follow the Light that illuminates our path.

I'm especially depending on that right now.

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