Thursday, July 28, 2011

don't settle

1 Timothy 1:19 
Cling tightly to your faith in Christ,
   and keep your conscience clear.

For some people have deliberately violated their consciences;
   as a result, their faith has been shipwrecked.

I've lived long enough to have seen too many people do this - both parts of this verse.

Most of the time, they settle.

They start out so on fire for God they're going around burning people with their halos.

They are wild, abandoned, undomesticated, unfettered for Him.

They discover they have a call of ministry on their lives.

Sometimes they have a call to go out into the world outside the USA to tell people about Him.

Most of the time they are simply people upon whom God has worked the scandal of grace.

They have influence, energy, intention, opportunity, & support.

And many times they simply allow their lives, energy, & calling to recede.

It's called settling for the good life - good job, good spouse, good friends - safe, secure.

And they never know the God-dreamed life they could have had.

They traded it for safety, security, & the approval of the authenticators in their lives.

It's SO easy to fall into it.

It's the "American Dream" we're all supposed to want.

Be different from 90% of the rest of the people around you.

Embrace the dream He has for you.

Yes, it will cost you everything.

But you'll get a life beyond your wildest imaginings.

And God will be with you, cheek to jowl, all the way through.


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