Thursday, March 22, 2012


Psalm 37:34 Don't be impatient for the Lord to act!

Travel steadily along His path.

He will honor you, giving you the land.

vs 5 Commit everything you do to the Lord.

Trust Him & He will help you.

don't know who this is for, but felt nudged to repeat these 2 verses for someone out there.

it's all about trust, ya know.

That's what these last 19 months here in Blairsville have been all about.

God continues to say "wait" & "trust Me".

So I'm not speaking from what I've read or observed.

I'm speaking from where I'm living right now.

What choice do we have?

Yes, we can take control of our lives, but my experience with doing that hasn't worked out well for me.

So, I choose to trust, even when I cannot see what's goin' on, or what's ahead.

Jeremy Camp has a pretty cool song about that - "I will walk by faith"

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