Sunday, December 22, 2013

standing out

These are some verses that stood out in the different places I read today.

Some of them I dated during some interesting times in my life.

Others are verses that simply stood out for me when I read in these places before.

I feel like some of you reading this now need to read some of these verses, to give you hope,or encouragement, & to use as a lifeline in what feels like an impossible place.

Psalm 119:116 Lord, sustain me as You promised, that I may live!

Do not let my hope be crushed.

vs 133 Guide my steps by Your word,

     so I will not be overcome by any evil.

John 2:23 Because of the miraculous signs He did in Jerusalem at the Passover's celebration, many people were convinced the He was the Messiah.

24 But Jesus didn't trust them,

       because He knew what people were really thinking.

25 No one needed to tell Him about human nature.

2 Corinthians 3:5 It is not that we think we can do anything of lasting value by ourselves.

     Our only power & success come from God.

vs 17 Now the Lord is Spirit,

     & wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, He gives freedom.

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