Wednesday, June 16, 2010

His Word

Psalm 119:133 Guide my steps by Your word, so I will not be overcome by any evil.

Sometimes, His Word is all we got.

Sometimes there's nothing else pointing the way but what we're reading in the Bible.

Many people I know jump around when they read the Bible (if they read the Bible)

I believe that it's probably the smarter thing to sesquentially - like when I'm reading Psalms, I read one right after the other. I don't jump around to suit my needs.

I believe God knows about what lies ahead for each of us so as to guide us to the areas of the Bible through which He can speak.

The trick is to get ourselves into a mode where we read every day to set the stage for it to happen.

Btw, a verse I'm holding on to is Psalm 139:5 God both precedes & follows me.

Iow, God is out ahead of me in the future, preparing the way for me, lining things up, preparing hearts, engineering events, so that His will can be expressed in the way He wants in my life.

I also believe that He's coming in behind me, mopping up & taking care of the consequences of my obeying Him.

I'm really holding on to that as I walk through this season in my life, one with lots of "I don't know's" & "waiting"

So much of my life right now is very much up in the air - a promise from His word that He's got it all covered is pretty encouraging, especially since it seems the devil is trying to derail me & discourage me every time I turn around.

He's out ahead of us, preparing the way...

He's following behind, taking care of the consequences of our obedience.

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