Friday, June 4, 2010


Psalm 110:3c ...your vigor will be renewed each day like the morning dew.

This summer, I'll turn 60.

That's a lot younger age to me, now that it's here.

But, I have to say that my energy reserves are not quite what they used to me. Well, there's not much about me that is the way it used to be! ;-)

As I walk the walk with our Abba, being whatever it is He wants me to be, I find something interesting.

These days, I can always tell when I'm trying to do something in my own strength.

I get tired.

But if I just depend on Him to give me the strength to be whatever it is He's needing me to be, I seem to have enough energy reserves to carry it off.

I wish I learned this lesson 30 years ago.

Don't be as stupid as I was.

Ask God to give you the strength you need to be all He wants you to be.

He "will renew (us) each day, like the morning dew".

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