Thursday, January 2, 2014


Jesus said this to his disciples during the last Passover meal he shared with them before His death...

John 13:34 So now I am giving you a new commandment:

Love each other.

Just as I have loved you,

     you should love each other.

35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples."

What does "love" mean?

Jesus was speaking of "agape love" - unconditional caring, that focuses on the other person, desiring & hoping for the very best for that person, not so much an emotion but a choosing to be "for" that person & seek the very best for them.

There are pages & pages written about what this kind of love is.

Jesus said that the way we love people will be a constant reminder to them that we are His followers.

My question is this...

Do the people you & I know identify us a Christ followers because of the way we love them?

In America's current cultural & political climate, do people identify Christ followers first & foremost as unconditionally loving people?

And as people in the rest of the world of other religions, cultures, countries, ethnic groups, etc think about Christ followers - ones they know, & just generally all those who claim Jesus as Lord - does the first thing that come to mind, "mmmmmmmm... those people know how to REALLY love"?

I think we all know the answers to those questions.

And in view of the answer to all those questions, what can you & I do, as we enter this new year, to be in our own lives someone the people around us would identfy as Christ followers simply because of the quality of our love for them?

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